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Special Needs Dance, DancEsteem


DancEncounter has long enjoyed dancing with students with special needs within our home of dance and has been delighted to both share mainstream classes or create the dedicated DancEsteem class for students of similar needs and abilities.  

Here the classes are approximately 45 minutes long and students will be exposed to their favorite songs and music tunes while given a physical outlet in a therapeutic and fun learning environment. Volunteer advanced dance students have assisted providing leadership or a one on one buddy system.  A class session could visit multiple styles including Ballet, Jazz, or Hip-hop, and if desired we will introduce tap dance, for variety, but with consistency within its framework but most expecially the students favorite music types. Students might sing songs, play games, practice vocals/ numbers and percussions as we learn keeping time with rhythm. Students also would learn dance routines to be performed in our annual Christmas and Summer shows; most recently DancEsteem performed in the spring recitals as Super Mario, Luigi, and Princess Peach, Thomas the Tank and friends as well as the Gingerbread Kids in The Nutcracker, to name a few! 

Please call or email for class registration!

Class session is Subject to enrollment. Average cost of classes is $11.00 per class. 


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