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Announcing LEAF!
 L.E.A.F is a not-for profit branch of DE, a sister company, if you will, in support of the dance company endeavor and indeed all performance related experiences! Limelight Educational Arts Foundation is a  501(c)3 charitable organization
gearing up in support of the DancEncounter Performing Company, ( see info about the Performing Co. here: Performing Company | DancEncounter) DancEncounter Dancers and indeed all students of dance, and all aspects of theatre, for an inclusive environment of performing arts and artistic learning, be it for the seasoned performer or those just starting out.

Thank you for supporting LEAF nfp
and Considering the gift of a donation.

Please request a receipt for your amounts over $250 for tax deductible purposes! 
At this time & LEAF being brand new, we are hoping to save up a fund that will be put towards the cost of stage production- either the current December 10th 2023 show or December 2024 show.

Read about LEAF below and LEAF's goal is to enrich the pursuit of dance
and off set the ongoing costs
of providing involvement & education in dance, performance
and theatre arts experience, scenery/props, facility care & upkeep, 
along with showcases, recitals & performance productions.

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LEAF has its own bank account and works separately from DE.  The donation buttons below deposit directly into the LEAF bank account. Click the button of your choice, or click multiple buttons to total your desired amount. Checks may be written to LEAF  NFP and mailed to 630 E. State St., Geneva IL 60134

NFP - Not For Profit

An Arts Foundation organized to support the benefit of studying and participating in the arts be it via classes, on stage performance or show production crews.  Learning and sharing the arts is vital to the development, well-being, self-expression and community enrichment for both the participant artist or performer and recipient audience. LEAF is dedicated to raising financial assistance for the expenses of on-going learning and execution of, performance art, for children and adults alike, whom all can benefit from the artistic expression, personal growth, mental and emotional confidence, and team spirit that the cultural and performance arts provide. Encouraging peer to peer learning and performance experience is at the core by supporting performance opportunities that can also offer inclusion and integration of the special needs community, centering around these performing arts educational classes, shows and experiences, in addition to consideration of scholarships for budding performers with proven hardship. Your generosity is appreciated.

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